Broadband/CableTV operators slow down Video consumption

Comcast supplies broadband. They are also similar to a Foxtel in America. Here’s the key sentence: …which claimed that the cable company was abusing its control over its network to impede video competition. Comcast now admit to slowing down delivery of services like AppleTV, bitTorrent, YouTube and other video services. Comcast said yesterday that it…

Job: Senior Producer, Virtual Worlds, California

Virtual world job at Disney, via Monster: Job Description:Senior Producer, Virtual Worlds, Multiplayer Online Games – Job ID 138859Disney Online is committed to leading the market in creating, marketing and operating, industry defining, entertaining, interactive and high quality, premium online experiences for kids and families. Products in the team’s portfolio include (including Disney Xtreme…

Broadband UK vs Australia

Guess which country – UK or Australia? Oh, ok stupid question. :What’s the max download speed in Australia? Max monthly usage without shaping, for home use (ie not paying corporate rates)?Does anyone in Australia offer free broadband? Around $38 per month – broadband, international calls, line rental. That doesn’t sound too bad to me. Where…

Social NETWORKS are much more than Social MEDIA

You know eyeballs marketing or Olde Worlde economy – business to business (B2B) and business to consumer(B2C)? Attention Economy online – where is our attention? Well Doc Searls talks about The Intention Economy (consumer to business or C2B) . Where the consumer says what he wants and the business vies for attention/intention. That was back…