Australia: Telecoms new consumer peak body

Hmmm: Grant to strengthen consumer voice in telecommunications The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, today announced funding to assist in the establishment of a new telecommunications consumer peak body. โ€œThe Government wants to give consumers a more powerful and effective voice in the development of telecommunications policy,โ€ Senator Conroy…

Job: Snr Producer Virtual Worlds

This is a fun job! Title: Sr Producer – Virtual Worlds US-CA-North Hollywood RESPONSIBILITIES: Job Description:Senior Producer, Virtual Worlds, Multiplayer Online Games – Job ID 138859Disney Online is committed to leading the market in creating, marketing and operating, industry defining, entertaining, interactive and high quality, premium online experiences for kids and families.Products in the teamโ€™s…

April Fool’s Day rituals: Whirlpool and NineMSN

Warning! Warning! ***Spoiler*** Don’t read ahead if you still like to believe in Santa Claus and pixies and that social networks will solve world hunger, global warming and your personal financial woes. Communities offline and online have rituals. It could be an Easter egg hunt at Easter, or Talk like a Pirate Day, or even…

Masters of Convergent Media – Uni Western Syd (social media) Australia

I would’ve called it Social Media but then again I’m just teaching it. ๐Ÿ˜› Plus it’s also convergent devices so I guess Convergent Media is ok. Contact Rachel for more information Master of Convergent Media Traditional media (television and radio) are responding quickly to the new digital and online challenges of the 21st century….