How to create a Civilly Disobedient #shitstorm online & off #socialmedia

How to create a Civilly Disobedient #shitstorm online & off #socialmedia

How to create a resistance movement using social media and the steps to do so. This framework came from one I developed for social media campaigns for companies (workshops) but hey! it works for grassroots activism too!  Social Media puts the media in YOUR hands now. The power is great but so is the responsibility….

Apologies and #Socialmedia in Crisis Comms PR

Apologies and #Socialmedia in Crisis Comms PR

In my 8 ways to deal with negative criticism in social media course, I outline the 8 ways to deal with trolls on Facebook and bad reviews in social media. You can ignore, educate, lawyer up, fight back, confess, own etc. (see social media chart at bottom of post). Each social media response comes with a positive and a negative possible response (and you’ll often get both). The confession step is fine – apologise away – but make sure you are not digging a bigger hole.

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