Event: Digital Beach and Wild Wicked Wanton Women of Web 2.0

I was just speaking with someone about Wild Wicked Wanton Women of Web 2.0 in Australia – she’s a journalist, so, like dentists, I can’t reveal her name/face. ๐Ÿ˜› – and we chatted about how creative and passionate women are in the Web 2.0 world. And then, golly gosh look, this Digital Beach event rocks…

Event: TiE Web 2.0 Entrepreneurs

I go to these TiE events occasionally; especially when the naughty boy of angelic investments in Australia, Ramin Marzbani is talking. He gets me so mad. lol. Web2.0 Future of Internet: Innovation+Opportunity:Panel of Leaders Microsoft/Yahoo/News Ltd/Westpac! Overview: Web2.0: Future of Internet: its impact on Business and Opportunities for Entrepreneurs- Panel Discussions by technology & business…

The impartial yet opinionated ABC editorial guidelines

I wandered into The Sydney Institute’s function on Monday night, where the speaker was Mark Scott, the new MD and Editor-in-Chief at the ABC. Mark is from Fairfax (and government and education). The ABC was announcing it’s new editorial guidelines. (script here) Both the tone and the content were strong statements. Mark clearly was laying…

Microsoft on Online Communities

Microsoft have always done developer communities really well, I reckon. Have a look at this interview with Sean Oโ€™Driscoll, Senior Director for CSS Community and MVP Worldwide, Microsoft Corporation- in full over at informit.com. This week, Stephen Ibaraki, FCIPS, I.S.P. has an exclusive interview with noted Senior Director, Sean O’Driscoll. …The last part of this…


…I heard that Reeltime.tv was also a Perth based company (see prev. post). Probably the remoteness of it all. ๐Ÿ˜› However checking reeltime.tv website they list only a Melb and Syd address. So without naming names *points a finger at the bloke from PBL* someone must’ve got it wrong the other night! Lachlan Murdoch buys…

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