Laurel papworth talking artificial intelligence with microphone in photo

TUTORIAL A list of 12+ styles or author voices examples that AI can write in.

LIST OF 12 STYLES OR VOICES for Australian teachers. Are ChatGPT and the other text artificial intelligence tools too boring for you? Try a secret (or not so secret) prompt. We see the Australian poem, Waltzing Matilda, rewritten as Jane Austen, Edgar Allan Poe, Jerry Seinfeld and as a CEO.

Oral Tradition, Pastiche, The Mashup and Copyright

Human beings take information and media, consume it, mash it up and spew it back out again, it’s what we do. We have a fine tradition of nicking each others content from the earliest times of tribal campfires, embroidering hunter and warriors stories and oral traditions, through to Plato deliberately putting his own words in…

Howard Rheingold in Australia and Teledildonics

Yep Teledildonics is exactly what you think it is. Long before Amy Jo Kim and Jenny Preece wrote their Social Networking bibles in the late ’90s, and long, long before Danah Boyd started making friends on Friendster, Howard Rheingold was writing, speaking and evangelising communities online (late ’80’s). How can you not love a man…

Gonzo marketing

Homeland Stupidity? I’m really intrigued. Not so much by sites with cool and irreverent names, but by their Gonzo Marketing techniques (I loved that book). I should link to the author but do I pick his evil alter ego Rage Boy or his grown up *boring* Wired magazine, Cluetrain Manifesto editor link- guess which one…