
API Widget Economy: Social Media Business Podcast

Episode 3 focusses on monetizing APIs and looking at revenue streams from widgets. Companies that open their business databases and stream that data out, can have an army of hundreds of thousands (mostly) unpaid developers creating Facebook apps, iPhone apps and blog widgets to help sell their products and services. Web 3.0 is “little bits…

Widgets moved from sidebar to here

My widgets, snippets and gadgets were slowing up the site. But I don’t want to delete them, sometimes I show the class my WeatherPixie. And so on. So I keep the code-y bits here. MyBlogLog FacebookLaurel Papworth’s Facebook profile MyClaimID Digg PlazesDownload Flash plugin Google Reader Donate to the Cocktail Fun WeatherPixie Hugh Mcleod Jaxtr…

Economy: Google Offers Money For Gadgets

from Duncan Riley over at TechCrunch: Google has announced the launch of Google Gadget Ventures, a new pilot program that will help fund third-party gadget development and gadget-related businesses. Google will offer two types of funding: $5,000 grants for gadget developers who want to improve an existing gadget, and $100,000 seed investments for new gadget-related…