1. no explanation that was believed by the masses – apparently only 3% wanted the change in the first place. Most suspect it’s for technical load reasons.

      But they changed it again today – check out their blog (link at bottom of Twitter page or top of this blog post) cheers 🙂 Laurel @SilkCharm

  1. Thanks Laurel, some great content and slides here – you have brought it together concisely through your images.

  2. G’day Laurel,

    Fabulous to meet up with you again, hon, but a real bummer that you weren’t there to heckle me at my presentation.

    I’ve just posted my slides up on slideshare for our panel discussion, as well as a commentary about them: http://leehopkins.net/2009/05/15/affilisyd-6-slideshare-minutes-video-marketing/

    I’ve also commented about the overall conference here: http://leehopkins.net/2009/05/15/affilisyd-reflections/

    Cheers and have a great weekend!

    Lee Hopkins’s last blog post..Social Media: the new business communication landscape

  3. great post. You guys are making Social media sound like a science. It looks like physics now with all the ripple effect and all. Really appreciate the way you have written it.
    Great Job..

  4. Hello Laurel,

    Thank you for your presentation! It has been very helpfull to my company in Brazil. Your work is reaching long distances. Congratulations!

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