New York Times, Australian Financial Review and advertising

I heard about this on Wednesday – anyone told the Australian Financial Review yet? (Here are my previous pieces on AFR here and here). On Tuesday at midnight this week the New York Times released its archives since 1987 from behind the previous for-pay wall that kept those archives from being searched. Already, it is…

Talkback Bloggers and Blog or Pod Radio

I DID mention that there is a debate on Wednesday night, right? On another blog post about Radio/TalkBack/Blogs. DebateIT: Blogging is as Useful as Talkback Radio Wednesday 12th September; 6.00pm – 7.30pm; Lecture Theatre, Museum of Sydney. Organised by Rachel Slattery. I probably won’t go. Probably. I am chairing a two-day conference on Wed/Thursday on…


User generated advertising: Facebook stalker and Social Media consultants

I need an excuse to show you that very funny clip (hat tip: Lee Hopkins). So here goes: Penn Masala are an a capella group from University of Pennsylvania. I like the fact that they took a Brand (Facebook) and an associated Topical Point (stalking online) and wrote a song, scripted, acted, directed and edited…