1. The mainstream press always manage to focus on the jobs listings in their sector only, ignoring the fact that online jobs have not experienced as significant a drop…

  2. Social Networking creates ads for personal or company’s business. it helps businesses to boost up traffic and profit as well. I found social networking as a tool which had been primarily designed for social interaction and sharing. You can gain lots of friends and build reputation over the net.

  3. Hi Laurel, I am a Recruiter for Oracle Corporation, Michael Specht and I had a conversation about this very topic a few weeks back. I believe traditional jobs boards like Seek or MyCareer must change their business model or they will be left behind as Recruitment seems to have taken the next leap from job boards to social networks.

    I remeber when I used to advertise roles in the newspaper, then these great websites like Seek and Monster came along. Now over the past 2-3 years I feel social networking is the next logical step in succesful recruiting and takes away a company’s dependence on more traditional job boards and as such the decline of job advertisements is not a true reflection of the economy

  4. Hi Laurel,

    This is a very interesting post. I am the founder & CEO of a Social Recruiting platform called 2Vouch which is launching in Australia next week. Traditional sourcing through classifieds ( online and print ) will increasingly become less and less effective because great people are not actively searching the job boards or newspapers for a job.. why? they are doing something else.. working!! so the question is how do you find the people who are hard to reach and not actively looking for jobs? one way is to get them through referrals from people in their social network. btw – I'd be interested in the research you refer to 🙂 riges@2vouch.com

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