1. fI went to school with Susan Tenby in middle school and ironically, she was the BIGGEST bully in the class! She was mean and hurtful every day for several years. Most students stayed far away from her.

  2. @anonymous
    Oh please, how many years ago was that? I am very tempted to bully you myself. 😛

    Ah well, maybe she grew up into a nice woman. Children that are mean when young sometimes grow up to be thoughtful and kind. Some of them don’t. I didn’t.

  3. I am said bully, and I am LOLing, and shocked, b/c I was SO not a bully. I would like to think that I am kind, as Laurel says. Who are you, with whom I went to school at Punahou?

    1. I’m of the opinion that anyone who posts mean spirited comments as “Anonymous” should be given the respect they deserve i.e. zero. And they should be bullied. You first… 😛

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