Australia – Event: Media 08
Are you going? Media 08 Australia’s Annual Report for Digital Professionals. Friday 7th March, 9.00am – 5.30pmJones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont, Sydney Australia’s leading digital media organisations, Fairfax Digital and X|Media|Lab, bring you a one-day executive briefing on all you need to know about digital media for the year 2008. “Media ’08” brings together world leading…
Are you going?
Media 08
Australia’s Annual Report for Digital Professionals.
Friday 7th March, 9.00am – 5.30pm
Jones Bay Wharf, Pyrmont, SydneyAustralia’s leading digital media organisations, Fairfax Digital and X|Media|Lab, bring you a one-day executive briefing on all you need to know about digital media for the year 2008.
“Media ’08” brings together world leading experts from the UK, the US, India, China, Australia, the Middle East and Korea, to present on the most significant trends and innovations happening or about to happen across the spectrum of digital media: The Media and The Message; Generation Cellphone; Video and Interactivity; Platforms and Widgets.
No time-wasting or boring panels, just densely-packed, information-rich, clear and helpful, set piece keynotes from international luminaries from the world’s best digital media brands.
If you are a digital or traditional media professional, executive, producer, creative, business strategist, journalist, analyst, technology or business professional from the news, entertainment, information, advertising, marketing or education industries, this is the one-day conference you can’t afford to miss.
Update Yourself In A Day!
International Speakers Include:
David Kirk – CEO, Fairfax Media (Sydney)
Jonathan Haagen – Social Media Analyst, Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist (Beijing, New York)
Vicky Taylor – Editor of Interactivity, BBC News (London)
Kevin Anderson – Head of Blogging and Interaction, The Guardian (London)
Kay Gruenwoldt – Head of Marketing, Nokia (Helsinki, Vancouver)
Alan Noble – Engineering Site Director, Google Australia and NZ (Sydney)
Kaiser Kuo – Director of Digital, Ogilvy China (Beijing)
Lee Stephens – CEO, Aegis Media (Sydney)
Assia Grazioli-Venier – Head of Ministry of Sound TV (London)
Neeraj Roy – MD and CEO, Hungama Mobile; Vice Chairman, Mobile Entertainment Forum – Asia (Mumbai)
Jean K. Min – Director, International Division, OhMyNews (Seoul)
Mohamed Nanybhay – Head of New Media, Al Jazeera (Doha)
Richard MacManus – Founder and Editor, Read Write Web (Wellington)
Jack Horner – Founder and MD, FRUKT (London)
Benjamin Joffe – Founder and CEO, +8* | Plus Eight Star (Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing)
Niall Kennedy – Producer, Widget Summit (San Francisco)
Jack Matthews – CEO, Fairfax Digital (Sydney)
Registration: $495 (Inclusive of GST)
Book Your Place Now:
For further information:
I’ve forgotten to do my invoicing – since before Christmas – so unless someone pays for my ticket, I’ll be sneaking in. Anyone wanna sponsor a self-(un)employed social network strategist? No? Ah well, let’s bunk in together. Or ask for a Press Pass. Ok maybe a Blogger Pass? I’m gonna be there by hook or crook. There or jail. 😛
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Looks great but I hope yr not going.. isn’t this the day of your Social Network course at Sydney Uni?!
There’s only three signups at the moment for my new Uni course. So I have to do one of two things. Start hawking the courses around to get at least four more members (first time the course is being run at the Uni, so a bit slow in takeup).
Or quietly ignore it all and hope they cancel it with 3 members being too few.
I also have a possible presentation to give that day, at a conference. Of course every other day of the bloomin’ week, I’m free *grouches*
What do I do? Let the course fall over – such a lot of work to no avail 🙁 – or start talking it up on blogs and such? You guys tell me…
Hmm, it’s the old when it rains it pours situation. Well I’m happy to do course at later date or other format (although I do like formality of actually attending a course and being forced to pay attention).
I’m sure I could rouse the interest a few more people.. the course does sound really great.
But maybe its fortuitous and yr supposed to attend the other conference? Let me know what you’d prefer..
Yeah I’m supposed to attend the other conference- FFX sent me a VIP pass. Forgot to mention that – ages ago 😛
Let’s do the course another time, email me and Ill let you know dates etc.