What makes a site sticky?
Good question: this guy seems to be on to something – waaaay back in 2000. Stickiness is critical on the internet, but it’s also important for all forms of information in your organization. Whatever medium you’re working with, you should begin to think about how you measure whether anyone’s looking, how you can increase the…
Good question: this guy seems to be on to something – waaaay back in 2000.
Stickiness is critical on the internet, but it’s also important for all forms of information in your organization. Whatever medium you’re working with, you should begin to think about how you measure whether anyone’s looking, how you can increase the breadth of information you offer, how you can make the source more entertaining, how often the content changes and how you might exchange something valuable for your viewer’s attentive brain cells. You can view the web and the internet as practice for a world in which stickiness wins. (Thomas H. Davenport, CIO Magazine)
Go read it, I like the “the web is not enough” statement. Keep pushing that integration of offline/online barrow, hon