Video: Public Speaking and Knowing One Another
Moez Masoud Popping this video up here as a reminder – sometimes I get so caught up in marketing and monetising social networks and looking at revenue share vs advertising vs sponsorship models and so on, that I forget why people go to great lengths to run online communities. Often for free. With a huge…
Popping this video up here as a reminder – sometimes I get so caught up in marketing and monetising social networks and looking at revenue share vs advertising vs sponsorship models and so on, that I forget why people go to great lengths to run online communities. Often for free. With a huge amount of time consuming responsibilities. That they love. “It’s all semantics: if we sit down enough and talk, we will understand one another.”
And if you ever wonder why I blog on about communities online: it’s so that we may know one another.
Hat tip: Stephanie Doust and Hany Abdul Azim
You are right, Laurel, we all have things in common. Cultural or religious differences, as you said; is all about semantics. God created us to work hard to enrich the earth, spread civilization, get to know each other, working -together- to fulfill this purpose, and of course to worship him as well. Thanks a lot for posting this, it meant a lot for me as a Muslim that everyone sees us as terrorists and uncivilized group of people. Here is a link to moez masoud website
arabic version
Thanks a lot again and take care!
Noha from Egypt