1. I wrote about this too. The Triple J Guys were hilarious in their coverage. They were trying to get the hacker to call in, but no luck. You would think this kind of promotion would be risk free, but no. It must be good publicity for both the ABC and Second Life. It made me want to go and take a look, but even with a free account, it is a huge file, that would probably significantly weigh down my already overloaded PC.

  2. Risk free Colin? Naaaaah. Imagine you are a company that has never spoken with your customers before – I don’t mean feedback forms, I mean through blogs and forums. Then you whack up an installation in Second Life. There just won’t be the good will there – in fact there’s an “avatar terrorist” group in Second Life that have ransacked a number of companies including hmm Adidas I think. And sabotaged interviews online (remember the floating pen*ses?)

    (I don’t think Google respects me when I use the word pen*s; they had me down as a pr0n site once when I was talking about online protection 😛 )

    Anywaaaaay, asking companies to take baby steps and not rush straight to Second Life is pretty difficult. But it’s a shame they picked the ABC who do have quite a good online forum thingie going on.There’s an Aussie company on another island that are more worthy. Ooops I shouldna said that.

    The download file is 30 MB. I am with BigPond so downloaded their one that doesn’t use my download credit limits. Installed folder is 60 MB in size. Game on? (I’m SilkCharm SacherTorte btw).

  3. RT @du0280:일진회사건. 어딘가 냄새나는 이 공안사건에서 국정원의 칼날은 민주노동당 소속인 배진교 인천 남동구청장, 조택상 동구청장, 이용규 민주노동당 인천시당 위원장 및 지방의원 3명 등 모두 7명에게 향하고 있다. http://j.mp/o2

  4. Pingback: Twitted by xo_Her
  5. 中国人「欧陽修は韓国人だった、とされてしまう可能性が100%」。RT @headline: 【社会】中国人「発見されたのが韓国でなくて幸いだった」 〜日本で宋・欧陽修の書簡発見 鎌倉幕府の金沢文庫が収蔵していたもの: http://j.mp/o2QOoS #hdln

  6. 中国人「欧陽修は韓国人だった、とされてしまう可能性が100%」。RT @headline: 【社会】中国人「発見されたのが韓国でなくて幸いだった」 〜日本で宋・欧陽修の書簡発見 鎌倉幕府の金沢文庫が収蔵していたもの: http://j.mp/o2QOoS #hdln

  7. 中国人「欧陽修は韓国人だった、とされてしまう可能性が100%」。RT @headline: 【社会】中国人「発見されたのが韓国でなくて幸いだった」 〜日本で宋・欧陽修の書簡発見 鎌倉幕府の金沢文庫が収蔵していたもの: http://j.mp/o2QOoS #hdln

  8. 中国人「欧陽修は韓国人だった、とされてしまう可能性が100%」。RT @headline: 【社会】中国人「発見されたのが韓国でなくて幸いだった」 〜日本で宋・欧陽修の書簡発見 鎌倉幕府の金沢文庫が収蔵していたもの: http://j.mp/o2QOoS #hdln

  9. 中国人「欧陽修は韓国人だった、とされてしまう可能性が100%」。RT @headline: 【社会】中国人「発見されたのが韓国でなくて幸いだった」 〜日本で宋・欧陽修の書簡発見 鎌倉幕府の金沢文庫が収蔵していたもの: http://j.mp/o2QOoS #hdln

  10. 中国人「欧陽修は韓国人だった、とされてしまう可能性が100%」。RT @headline: 【社会】中国人「発見されたのが韓国でなくて幸いだった」 〜日本で宋・欧陽修の書簡発見 鎌倉幕府の金沢文庫が収蔵していたもの: http://j.mp/o2QOoS #hdln

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