1. I needed this info two weeks ago! Oh, well. I have it now. I looked for “tweetback plugins” but didn’t know exactly what I was looking for. Now I have an official name I’ll try again.

    By the way, your class last Friday was excellent. I want to sign up for more.

    .-= TrishAnders´s last blog ..outdoor advertising – banners =-.

  2. Tracking clicks via link shortening services is quick and simple but very 1 dimensional and can give misleading assumptions about the over all effectiveness of your online social media marketing campaigns.

    If you are marketing your business website through online social media you need to be using Google Analytics to track the type of visitor entering your site from which social media source and their intention.

    Using this type of strategy can allow you to measure the direct monetary value of your online social media strategies.

    1. I wasn’t aware that Google Analytics gives you the name, and bio, of the people clicking on your tweeted link. Good to know. I must have another look at GA.

      Must say, the more sophisticated social media dashboards – like the ones with sentiment analysis are great. Does GA do that?

  3. Apologies, GA doesnt provide you with the Twitter bio and name of the user who clicked the link. GA can be used very effectively on the “macro level” for tracking direct commercial value of visitors from your social media sources.

    If your website was an ecommerce website you can set up a “goal” that is achieved when someone finalises a transaction, GA will aggregatively track and produce a range of very useful data on this ‘type of visitor’. You can then set up advanced segmented tracking traffic sources (facebook, twitter etc) and over time gauge the commercial value of traffic from different sources. Ie, visitor from FB is worth $1, visitor from Twitter is 50 cents etc.

    This method will allow a business to put a direct value on your social media strategies.
    E-consultancy discuss the segmentation tracking here -> http://bit.ly/4dDywk

    I am thinking about creating some kind of information product on how to use GA to measure the value of social media marketing. Do you think there’d be a market for this information?

    I dont know a lot about sentiment tracking but I have been looking at this http://www.clicktale.com/ analytics software that tracks cursor movements. It’s really only justified for large traffic ecommerce sites though.

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