Twitter: Measuring clickthrus Social Media Metrics
How do you know who has clicked through on a link, how many times and the sum of click thrus on retweets? Let Auntie SilkCharm explain. In dot points: Sign up to Tweetburner Add Twurl button to your toolbar Monitor pages twurled on yr archive page e.g. Click the barchart graphic for more information…
How do you know who has clicked through on a link, how many times and the sum of click thrus on retweets? Let Auntie SilkCharm explain.
In dot points:
- Sign up to Tweetburner
- Add Twurl button to your toolbar
- Monitor pages twurled on yr archive page e.g.
- Click the barchart graphic for more information – retweets for example, Twitter apps used, time of clickthroughs.
In pictures.
Go to Tweetburner, sign up, you’ll end up with a URL like
Drag the Orange thingie to your toolbar. This means that whenever you are on a page you want to Tweet and monitor, you click the toolbar button and up springs a popup window.
The pop window looks like this
You can see the URL that is being twurled, add @names and your 140 chars.
Now monitor your archive page that has a URL like
The bar chart takes you to the URL for more information on that Twurl/Tweet and has the format
Dunno why it only shows a few reTweeters – I had at least 80 on this one. But you can check retweeters usually on – hope this helped. For Mike Seyfang @Fang, who asked nicely.
Metrics and measurement in the social network space rock. I don’t understand why people say you can’t measure a social media campaign – I’d be lost measuring a traditional media campaign. I teach Social Media Measuring one day workshops through AFTRS and in Singapore. Not really plugging – just making sure that no-one says stuff can’t be measured without knowing I’m gonna slap ’em – just gently. 😛
By the way, if you are tweeting your own blog posts – spamming ’em – WordPress has Tweetback plugins. FTW!
delicious: Laurel Papworth- Social Network Strategy " Blog Archive " Twitter: Measuring clickthrus Soc..
oops, forgot to say that is for @fang – How To Measure Clickthrus From Twitter to External Sites. #socialmediametrics
RT @SilkCharm: How to measure the # of people clicking through a link on Twitter. even measure retweet clicks …
Twitter: Measuring clickthrus Social Media Metrics
How do you know who has clicked through on a link, how m..
RT: @ManiKarthik: How to measure clicktrough’s and Social Media Metrics on Twitter –
Tweetburner test. Help a dude out 🙂 @silkcharm ‘s Twitter: Measuring clickthrus Social Media Metrics article
rt @mikeh2bi Tweetburner test. Help a dude out 🙂 Twitter: Measuring clickthrus Social Media Metrics article
Thanks, I’ve been wondering for a while if a tool like this existed.
thank you dear
(the class is now more informed)
mike seyfang’s last blog post..Good monday
I use a similar URL shortening tool which also keeps stats on Retweets, graphs and counts click throughs etc
Neerav Bhatt’s last blog post..Super Co Contributions Give Guaranteed 150% Return (12 comment/s)
Don’t forget that you can use twurl straight from tweetdeck: it’s one of the drop-down options. Makes the workflow a little better.
cafedave’s last blog the toddler owner’s manual good, simple way to start measuring and analyzing your Tweeets
WOW! Thank you. I didn’t know that you can measure clickthrus in twitter like this. Thanks for sharing!
I needed this info two weeks ago! Oh, well. I have it now. I looked for “tweetback plugins” but didn’t know exactly what I was looking for. Now I have an official name I’ll try again.
By the way, your class last Friday was excellent. I want to sign up for more.
.-= TrishAnders´s last blog ..outdoor advertising – banners =-.
Tracking clicks via link shortening services is quick and simple but very 1 dimensional and can give misleading assumptions about the over all effectiveness of your online social media marketing campaigns.
If you are marketing your business website through online social media you need to be using Google Analytics to track the type of visitor entering your site from which social media source and their intention.
Using this type of strategy can allow you to measure the direct monetary value of your online social media strategies.
I wasn’t aware that Google Analytics gives you the name, and bio, of the people clicking on your tweeted link. Good to know. I must have another look at GA.
Must say, the more sophisticated social media dashboards – like the ones with sentiment analysis are great. Does GA do that?
Apologies, GA doesnt provide you with the Twitter bio and name of the user who clicked the link. GA can be used very effectively on the “macro level” for tracking direct commercial value of visitors from your social media sources.
If your website was an ecommerce website you can set up a “goal” that is achieved when someone finalises a transaction, GA will aggregatively track and produce a range of very useful data on this ‘type of visitor’. You can then set up advanced segmented tracking traffic sources (facebook, twitter etc) and over time gauge the commercial value of traffic from different sources. Ie, visitor from FB is worth $1, visitor from Twitter is 50 cents etc.
This method will allow a business to put a direct value on your social media strategies.
E-consultancy discuss the segmentation tracking here ->
I am thinking about creating some kind of information product on how to use GA to measure the value of social media marketing. Do you think there’d be a market for this information?
I dont know a lot about sentiment tracking but I have been looking at this analytics software that tracks cursor movements. It’s really only justified for large traffic ecommerce sites though.
#media140 how much are your Tweets worth?