Twitter for Business and Government and number of Australians
In this video taken at the Mayor of San Francisco’s press conference, @ev (Evan Williams, CEO and co-founder of Twitter) is talking about how businesses use Twitter… and government departments Some of his examples and points: Events – Earthquakes creates viral spike in activity Public Transit – BART light rail (?) gives updates on Twitter…
In this video taken at the Mayor of San Francisco’s press conference, @ev (Evan Williams, CEO and co-founder of Twitter) is talking about how businesses use Twitter… and government departments
Some of his examples and points:
- Events – Earthquakes creates viral spike in activity
- Public Transit – BART light rail (?) gives updates on Twitter (like the lovely MelbTransport 🙂 ) But official. Interestingly, BART has Twitter on their webpage so @ev agrees that BART are advertising Twitter.
- Meeting diaires
- Retail local business is interesting to @ev – they don’t use online a lot usually. Mission Pie talks about new pies. Increase in pie business 10-20% since Twittering. Lots of beer on Twitter too. 😛
- Arts, Attractions – Museum, Zoo, Symphony, Parks – Zoo promotes Twitter on their home page.
… actually I’ve asked them for their powerpoint preso (hard to see in the video) so I’ll edit more later. if I get access to it.
We were number 12 on the list – 3% – a year ago for web traffic.
I’ve posted Twitter usage for Australia Australia Statistics and Ev talks about Australia on Twitter blog. Last year we were number 12 country for web traffic and #6 for SMS (now stopped due to our greedy telcos).
Sometimes I get the feeling that Twitter are trying to do everything themselves, with regards to selling Twitter as a business proposition: consider this Tweet (from me) about Facebook:
@ariherzog Facebook: 280 million members, 175 million access monthly, 18 million update status daily, 4 million become Fans of Pages daily.
That’s the sort of statistics that make it easy for us to sell Twitter as a business marketing tool. Facebook has 4.6 million Australians out of a population of 21.5 million on active accounts. I can’t easily get those figures for Twitter. But I know that Australia is consistently 3% of traffic for most Twitter applications (from @dacort) – but what is the overall global Twitter account number? Consensus seems to be around 6 million accounts (50 million visits per month). Anyone got a calculator? 😛 Oh wait Google -3 % of 6 million = 180,000 Australians on Twitter. Lucas Ng came up with a little more: 250k.
Ok, I’m off to run another workshop here in Singapore. Just quick posts at the moment, teaching takes a lot of the energies used for blogging, I find.
I think the question about “where do you see you guys in 5-10 years?” is an interesting one (at about 20-25 mins) How would you answer that if you started twitter/were in charge of things at twitter?
Cameron Stewart’s last blog post..cameronstewart: @spellrus that’s a really cool photo 🙂
Twitter for Business and Government and number of Australians – by the very clued up @silkcharm
suggested twitter is about reach or about teens? Post from @SilkCharm with some guestimates on the size of the twitterverse and and its Australian brethern Laurel is always good for some juicy corp stuff thx
Interesting: Watching SF mayor @GavinNewson and folks at @twitter via @SilkCharm, an Australian blogger syndicating YT
@jose it’s cool that you Silicon Valley guys are watching videos on my Australian blog of San Francisco Mayor & @ev 🙂
Twitter from a big-business point of view:
Anyone have any uptodate Twitter stats for Australia? Twitter – number of Australians (bottom of post)
RT@SilkCharm Anyone have any uptodate Twitter stats for Australia? Twitter – number of Australians (bottom of post)
Twitter: Twitter for Business and Government and number of Australians | Laurel Papworth: