This blog in hiatus for a week
Because I get stinging emails when I don’t blog for a few days – hey guys? you get what you pay for! – I thought I’d give you a heads up. I’m off to Maryville in Victoria for a week to be a mentor for the Australian Film Television and Radio School LAMP (media) project….
Because I get stinging emails when I don’t blog for a few days – hey guys? you get what you pay for! – I thought I’d give you a heads up.
I’m off to Maryville in Victoria for a week to be a mentor for the Australian Film Television and Radio School LAMP (media) project. We apparently workshop from 8am until I dunno, 11pm? 12am? so my chances of blogging, or even responding to emails will be nada, zip, nul.
Will you miss me? I’ll miss you. 🙂
See you in a week
PS Robbers and thieves, don’t bother. I’ve sorted something out. nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeeeh.
PPS Be good, all of you. Just because I’m not here, doesn’t mean you can run amok on my blog. Heh.
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oooh, I am going to be at that same workshop on Friday to see the final presentations. I certainly hope I get to catch sight of you, or even meet you as a regular (silent) reader of your blog!
ooooooooh! Introduce yourself? I’ll be the pink pixie with wings and a scowl. 😉