Testimonials for meeeeee!
EITHER IN COMMENTS or email them to me – lpapworth (at) gmail.com if you are shy 🙂 I have to get some testimonials together. Like, how I saved the world and stopped ladders in pantyhose without blinking. Or something. So if you are up for it, and have worked with me, sat in a workshop,…
EITHER IN COMMENTS or email them to me – lpapworth (at) gmail.com if you are shy 🙂
I have to get some testimonials together. Like, how I saved the world and stopped ladders in pantyhose without blinking. Or something.
So if you are up for it, and have worked with me, sat in a workshop, had a snark, read my blog, whatevs, feel free to write a testimonial.
If you hate what I have to say/promote, go ahead, but I will remove stuff that gets too violent and bloodthirsty. (See code of conduct).
If you just want to be *funny* (or try to be) … sure. If it’s not funny though, I will be the one that goes all weird and violent and bloodthirsty.
PLEASE PUT YOUR REAL NAME AND SOME SORT OF COMPANY TITLE. Or I can’t use them. Unless you just want to be bitchy (recommend Anonymous) or funny (ditto).
Pfft why do I have to do these again? I mean like, ack, like the blog doesn’t speak for itself? Ah well.
Five minutes into a session with Laurel and you can see just how connected our digital generations have become. Multi-tasking & connected in a miriad of ways, it’s no wonder marketers are struggling with the web 2.0 revolution and its deconstruction of traditional marketing theory. Luckily we have Laurel to put meaning to it all and guide us through the darkness.
Sean Smith
Head of Digital Marketing
Ticketek Pty Ltd (PBL media)
As one of Australia’s preeminent thinkers in social media and virtual worlds, Laurel deconstructs the buzz words and brings social concepts to a mass audience through engagement and demonstration.
@sean smith and @duncan riley oh you guys *gobsmacked* what lovely things to say! *hugs* thank you! 🙂
I’d love to leave you a testimonial but I am yet to participate in any sessions with you.
Feel free to fly me over and pay for my accommodation and I’ll gladly write an essay full of love and wisdom for all those who read it 😉
… sort of like “Cash for Comments”? Except it’s “Flights and Accommodation for Comments” 😛
Laurel Papworth is higly considered in the Social Networking world, due to her leading edge work in the Social Community field.
Examples of this include her work in implementing and helping iMatter – a social network for women based in Saudi Arabia – gain traction.
Laurel regularly teaches and is involved in panels about Social Media and it’s impact on business (including monetisation), communities and government.
I believe Laurel’s biggest asset is that She has an innate sense of the revolutionary thinking behind “web 2.0”, but is still able to describe these ideas to any one, be it the non digital, non networked person who watches morning TV, or the hard headed busines person who needs to know where the customers and revenue have gone.
Martin English
SAP Enterprise Portal Consultant
CSC Australia
Laurel has a deep understanding of how real people use social networks and social media. She also shares that knowledge in jargon-free and accessible ways. Her understanding of business drivers enables her to connect the dots between the online and physical worlds.
I had no idea what a social network was until I read Laurel’s blog and in a life changing moment, realised I was very socially networked. Laurel has an irreverent and humorous way of sharing her knowledge about this important field. She can decipher the undecipherable and make it understandable. That and I saw her on television, so she must be real.
Colin Campbell
Senior Project Manager
Coffey Environments
Laurel has delivered workshops, seminars and has mentored across a range of LAMP events. She is obviously one of the world’s leading practitioners and commentators in Social Media, Games Culture and Community. She is able to communicate complex issues interactively with absolute beginners through to peer experts while maintaining a unique humour combined with empathy for their business and/or personal needs.
Australia is lucky to have such an experienced individual who has decades of experience of the ‘human network’ on its shores.
Gary Hayes
Director Laboratory for Advanced Media Production
AFTRS, Sydney
I have found Laurel to be a real thought leader in her field of Social Networking. I am addicted to her blog as it always contains real content and jibe or two which makes one smile. Laurel is generous with her time and willing to share her knowledge and thoughts to those that ask nicely. If you are lucky enough to book her for an event your audience will be riveted with brilliant tales and information.
C.Lenferna de la Motte
General Manager
Longbeach Apparel
Plz leave a testimonial for me if you have been to my workshops etc? –> http://twurl.nl/mv4xpd While you are having your coffee & danish 🙂