1. Another update for you — the yahoo! CFO Sue Decker was speaking last night (Wedneday 19 July 2006) on CNBC about boring things like growth and profits. More exciting is that she explicitly stated the value of community properties on the interweb. Sue said that Yahoo! saw the monetary value of MySpace as a huge validation of their community strategy and went on to say that the size of the Yahoo community (yahoo answers) is bigger than MySpace.

    On the yahoo answers note: Stephen Hawking, yes the real Stephen Hawking is one celebrity Yahoo! have asking questions to help build the hype.

  2. Sweeeet! Thanks for the link to Yahoo! Answers.

    I like the Leaderboard idea, although I prefer ranking by members rather than by number of posts. And they do have a nice *thumbs-up* idea for gaining points.

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