
I’ll Drink To That! #NekNominate

What is Neknominate? And Should we ask an American company (Facebook, Google) to censor Australians citizens that are doing stupid but not illegal stuff? If we hand our sovereignty over to Facebook and Google (I don’t include Twitter as they have already rolled over and made no attempt to protect our privacy), should we get pissy if Saudi, China and Korean Governments demand the same?


Social Media Call To Action: Bullied on a Bus

When Karen Huff (senior citizen) was bullied on a bus, the guy Max Sidorov that found the video on Facebook, reposted it to Indiegogo (a social fundraising site) and named and shamed the school involved. He wanted to raise money for Karen to have a vacation – well, $600,000 dollars later (and still a month to go), Karen will get a vacation of a lifetime!

Online Community Manager – Social Media Business

I‘ve rebranded my Social Media Business podcast last week – let me know what you think! This episode: social network for arty crafty types Etsy.com makes $400m, massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft makes 1.2 billion (but still deletes my account!). Also, we managed the Junior Masterchef online communities (Facebook, blogs, forums) and keeping…

Japan’s Tsunami is Gods Way of Teaching A Lesson – Social Media Fraud

If someone puts up a video on the social network YouTube saying that God is Good and teaching Japan not to be heathens by sending them an earthquake for Lent do you think: oh that’s so right! wot a nutjob! a fake – like LonelyGirl or some other prank. Attention seeking viral campaign thingie. UPDATE:…

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