Future of Work: Metaverse, Virtual Reality, Neuroplasticity and… orgasms?
VR and Future of Work – InstaDeath via Nervegear or orgasms as a work reward? You choose the Metaverse of Enterprise…
VR and Future of Work – InstaDeath via Nervegear or orgasms as a work reward? You choose the Metaverse of Enterprise…
Will the Metaverse mean the End of Reality? How will Sunyata give us space to navigate the forces we need to create worlds?
Looking at the Alice (in Wonderland) vs Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) worlds and possible Metaverse worlds (Wendy from Peter Pan). Onboarding options for storytelling. Folksonomic vs Taxonomic structures. Extended storylines across worlds.
Plain speaking – what are NFTs and Blockchain in the Metaverse? Virtual World Collectibles and Provenance.
what the Metaverse might look like, how Augmented Reality differs from Virtual Reality and what mixed reality (passthrough) might look like. I quickly touch on the spiritual implications of building a world/avatars in our own image.