Online Community Manager – Social Media Business

I‘ve rebranded my Social Media Business podcast last week – let me know what you think! This episode: social network for arty crafty types makes $400m, massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft makes 1.2 billion (but still deletes my account!). Also, we managed the Junior Masterchef online communities (Facebook, blogs, forums) and keeping…

Gen Y = Creativity

When I wrote about Generations of Fear: Each generation is motivated by a hope and a fear. The hope is that we ‘leave the world a better place than when we entered it’ or ‘want a better life for my children’. Fears tend to change with each generation . From where I sit, Boomers feared…

Australia: Social Media Engagement on YouTube

This video has nearly 8,000 comments. A lot of companies, governments, brands, famous people think that creating some content (in isolation) shoving it up on a social media channel and never looking at it again (unless there is a negative comment, cos y’know, we have to protect our ‘image’) is engagement. Well, for me it’s…

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