Australia Enterprise: list of business online communities

A “top list” of social networks and online communities for business and corporate. Not blogs – they must have community features of many-to-many discussions, leaders, UGC etc.  Here’s my Australian list: Aussie Innovation – drupal site with forums and so on. Aussie Tycoon – vBulletin forum for entrepreneurs Australian Businesswomen’s Network – run mentoring programs…

Australia Event: Broadband Australia 2008

BUMP: I’m bumping this cos I’m speaking on Friday at Broadband Australia 2008, about Community Wireless and peer-to-peer telecommunications and the implications to the digital economy that customer (social) networks with a business model will have on the Australian digital economy. If you are going to the conference, come up and say hi? Citizen telecommunications…

India: weddings and investment

I love a good wedding. If it’s bollywood style, even better: People Interactive gets $12-13 million VC fund from Goldman Sachs? People Interactive Group, which owns matrimonial site, social networking site and property portal, is believed to have received $12-13 million from Goldman Sachs, reports VC Circle I know I’ve been writing…

Red Herring: Top 100 Companies (Asia)

I saw that Red Herring has this list of companies worth investing in – around 200 entrepreneurs across Asia. Congratulations to this year’s carefully selected 200 finalists. For 10 years, Red Herring’s editorial team has diligently surveyed entrepreneurship around the globe. Technology industry executives, investors, and observers have regarded the Red Herring 100 lists as…

Event: TiE Web 2.0 Entrepreneurs

I go to these TiE events occasionally; especially when the naughty boy of angelic investments in Australia, Ramin Marzbani is talking. He gets me so mad. lol. Web2.0 Future of Internet: Innovation+Opportunity:Panel of Leaders Microsoft/Yahoo/News Ltd/Westpac! Overview: Web2.0: Future of Internet: its impact on Business and Opportunities for Entrepreneurs- Panel Discussions by technology & business…

Venture Capital: Sequoia’s ToDo list for entrepreneurs

Who’s Australia’s most interesting VC company? Anyway, thought some of you might find this informative. From Sequoia, who have a list of what they look for when funding startups: Elements ofSustainable Companies Start-ups with these characteristics often foretells the success of a business and the likelihood of it becoming a sustainable, enduring company. We like…