Pownce dead

… but what was it for? I never did work it out. Here’s the screenshot of the now dead, read-only site (temporarily until it’s gone for ever, no doubt). I got the email before Christmas, but am only just now getting around to looking at it. Though I did check to make sure they didn’t…

Censorship, Echo Chamber, and Democratization of News

Here’s the top 12 News stories that didn’t make mainstream media and should’ve. Top 25 Censored Stories for 2007 1. Future of Internet Debate Ignored by Media 2. Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran 3. Oceans of the World in Extreme Danger 4. Hunger and Homelessness Increasing in the US 5. High-Tech Genocide…

Social Media Monetization and Revenue

Presentation at PANPA (part) and WebDirections 2008 (full). This article is about the various social media monetization strategies and the powerpoint presentation (embedded) shows some case studies and examples, including social network size, the revenue streams, valuations and profits. Click for full size of Revenues for Social Networks diagram. REVENUE SOURCE: The X Axis (the…


Fake Sarah Palin

Well, that didn’t take long. Google’s free service Blogspot is hosting Whats Sarah Thinking – a faux Sarah Palin blog. What’s Sarah Thinking?Sarah Palin’s secret diary of her life as a babe, mom, wife, and political animal Sarah Palin, in case you missed out on recent news, is John McCain’s choice as running mate and…

Olympics: Kodak Blog (employees vs users?)

Kodak have done something very simple and something that probably shouldn’t work. But it does. Find a popular event, take photos, photoblog explaining what you did and thereby demonstrating the product. Why ‘shouldn’t that work’? Well because, looking at top blogger lists, about the second most popular blog subject is photography and/or photoshop. (First is…

Consumer as ISP – Broadband Australia 08

Social Network Telecommunications view presentation (tags: open-mesh fon telecommunications to) Whew, I just got home from presenting on Social Network Telecommunications – the Consumer as ISP at Broadband Australia 2008 conference. Anyway, I thought I’d take you through the slides (above), which develop further my other open mesh blog posts. The First Bit (up to…