
Australia Social Finance: List of Peer to Peer loans and p2p banks

After the radio interview with Tony Delroy a few days ago, I’ve had an inordinate number of requests for information on social lending and microfinancing sites. Particularly Australian p2p banks. Remember a bank holds money that the community members have each – for example, salaries, or savings. Then the bank manager takes the community money…

Twitter: Haiku and London Train Station Kingsplace

Your mission – go to the social network Twitter, write a haiku about English summer (or their approximation there of), tweet it, with the hashtag (label) of #kingsplace.  From Kinsgplace website: Twitter Welcome to the Great British Summer Haiku Competition! Dear Visitor, Kings Place has teamed up with Network Rail to create the world’s first…


AIMIA Social Media (Bandwagon) Awards

Bandwagon – AIMIA’s (Australian Interactive Media Association)  term for social media, not mine, never refuted or retracted. Ah well.  The Awards page.  Social Media people – remember, this is limited to a hundred or so members, most of whom are agencies so don’t take it too seriously. Most social media – good stuff – is…

Consumer as ISP – Broadband Australia 08

Social Network Telecommunications view presentation (tags: open-mesh fon telecommunications to) Whew, I just got home from presenting on Social Network Telecommunications – the Consumer as ISP at Broadband Australia 2008 conference. Anyway, I thought I’d take you through the slides (above), which develop further my other open mesh blog posts. The First Bit (up to…