Create, Edit and Transform documents with ChatGPT- tips – 0024
Step by step ChatGPT to get over the blank page, to edit a final document and to transform into other documents simply and easily.
Step by step ChatGPT to get over the blank page, to edit a final document and to transform into other documents simply and easily.
How to search and find Twitter lists using Google Search and other tools.
Ever wanted to boost your YouTube video to the correct audience to get more views? Something like Boosting a Post on Facebook? This tutorial takes you through TWO methods.
How to create a resistance movement using social media and the steps to do so. This framework came from one I developed for social media campaigns for companies (workshops) but hey! it works for grassroots activism too! Social Media puts the media in YOUR hands now. The power is great but so is the responsibility….
2017 How to Create and Use Facebook Lists: the old way has gone. Dear students, In this video lecture I walk you through creating Facebook Business Pages especially for LISTS. Why do you want lists? Oh to keep an eye on your industry, to see best practices from your fellow travellers, to find content to…
How to pre-approve and moderate content by Fans & Others on your Facebook Page. Step by step. Hiding and showing content and posts on social media for social media managers.
What are the four types of status updates for social media that improve engagement? Facebook and Twitter – be the magazine not the advertisement!
I hate it when I see that an audience has paid a truckload of $$$ to attend a conference and what they get is advertisements from the speaker on the podium. *smack* This came outof TEDTalks via Tim Longhurst (today): Thou Shalt Not Simply Trot Out thy Usual Shtick. Thou Shalt Dream a Great Dream,…