
Australia: Social Media Course

Update: For latest courses, please see  Australia Social Media Courses – Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane . Another one of my infamous Facebook Blogs and Marketing (Web 2.0) courses at the University of Sydney Professional Development centre (public courses) is coming up on Friday 10th October: Web 2.0 – Facebook, blogs and marketingCourse description: You probably…


Course: Social Media Marketing Campaign

My attempt to scare marketeers into attending one of my web 2.0 social media courses. Did it work? *advertisement coming up* I teach a one day public course on how to create a social media marketing campaign. It’s on Friday 18th July at the University of Sydney, Centre for Continuing Education: Course description: Web 2.0…

Facebook blogs and Marketing – Uni Sydney

Only four places left in this public, one day workshop that I teach. Its on Friday 4th April: Web 2.0 – Facebook, blogs and marketing Class code: 08AMR1004 Course description: You probably already know a little of YouTube, Facebook, Flickr and del.icio.us. In this one-day course you’ll get a real taste of the marketing power…