
Mary Poppins Online Community – Social Media Manager Leah Howard

I loved interviewing Leah Howard who plays Mrs Corry in Mary Poppins and is Disney’s online community manager slash social media manager for the show. We grabbed a drink, Vashti held the camera and we chatted on about Facebook, Twitter, audiences, story lines and the future of social entertainment. Leah Howard as the social media…


Singapore Social Media Workshop for PR and Online Media: September 2011

On 13th of September, 2011 I am  teaching a social media workshop in Singapore, AND presenting at a conference. If you want to know how to put out a social media press release, how to set up an online community monitoring station and how to measure social media, this workshop is for you! Details below…

When a Con Artist Comes Calling: Online Community

Recently, in an online community I am involved in, the members decided to get together in real life (IRL). Nothing unusual in that, around 20.1% of social network members that meet online will meet offline each year. Think tweetups (twitter meetups) and you’ve got the idea. So the group booked a venue interstate, a dinner,…

Online Community Manager – Social Media Business

I‘ve rebranded my Social Media Business podcast last week – let me know what you think! This episode: social network for arty crafty types Etsy.com makes $400m, massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft makes 1.2 billion (but still deletes my account!). Also, we managed the Junior Masterchef online communities (Facebook, blogs, forums) and keeping…