Paywall for and Online Community Social Media

As tomorrow is an historic day – The Australian and other sites move behind the paywall – what WILL we pay for, what SHOULD we pay for and what OTHER revenues streams are being missed by refusal to build online communities around their content? A few nights ago, I went to the bloggers/Twitterers…

Outdoor Advertising = Graffiti

Our children observe a world filled with advertising and emulate it in their graffiti. Are they responsible for not understanding that only certain people can dump branding on certain walls? Advertising is branding and expression of the company. Graffiti is self-branding and self-expression of the individual. Does that make it wrong? Osaka advertising wall (foto…

Social Networking Ads

With Australian traditional job advertisements dropping a gobsmacking 21.7% in the last year, is the economy really in a bad state or is just that our economic indicators have moved from heritage media to social advertising? From today’s Sydney Morning Herald (gotta love Plugger!) Downturn trims number of job ads,Miriam Steffen THE number of job…

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