
COURSEWARE: social media and PR Crisis Communication

Courseware for Social Media Workshops I’m going to gradually, as time permits, migrate all my courseware across to the new format, offer it for free download under Creative Commons for download (lulu or scribd), or physical colour workbooks via publish on demand Lulu (http://stores.lulu.com/laurelpapworth) . WARNING: I’ve ordered the new format printed workbook from Lulu but…

Seminar AFTRS: Film, TV Social Media Innovation

Sydney Australia: I’m presenting at a public short (morning) course run through LAMP (Laboratory for Advanced Media Production) and AFTRS (Australian Film Television and Radio School) on 22nd April from 9:30 to 1pm.  The fee is $60 and Jackie Turnure (Hoodlum) and Justin Baird (Google) are co-presenting. Innovations in Multi Platform Content A selection of…

Singapore: PR Social Media Course and Crisis Communication

Satirical cartoon- even wouldbe bank robbers need social media training from PR. 😛 I will be in Singapore 31 March – 1 April teaching a 2 day course: Understanding and Implementing Social Media into Your Crisis Management Strategy When advice needs to flow quickly from group to group, social networks are critical in the dissemination…

Event Australia: PR & New Media Summit Frocomm

Sydney Event: Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Read the full program but the speakers are: Brian Giesen, Digital Specialist, Ogilvy PR 360 Digital Influence Australia Graeme Wood, Founder and Executive Director, Wotif.com Mia Garlick, Assistant Secretary, Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy Francisco Cordero, General Manager, Bebo Andrew Cordwell, Director of Sales, Fox…

Event – Future of H.R. Recruitment and Social Media

Melbournites, listen up! Michael Specht is running a conference on H.R and Recruitment and social media. Time Session Speaker 8:30 AM Arrival & Registration with Tea and Coffee 9:00 AM Welcome and Introduction Michael Specht 9:10 AM Keynote – Thoughts from TED 2009 Stephen Collins 10:10 AM Implementation of Enterprise 2.0 and its Value in…


Social Media: Facebook blogs marketing course

Social Media Campaigns: please see your doctor if symptoms persist. Do you know someone a little social media…challenged? They might like to explore social media campaigns in some depth? My courses fill up pretty quick at the University of Sydney, but this semester we are running the course twice. To cater for extra interest. These…

Sydney: Social Media Course

THIS FRIDAY! There are two places left on Friday’s Web 2.0 – Facebook, blogs and marketing course that I teach at the University of Sydney, Centre for Continuing Education (Professional Development) Probably:Social Media Audit – finding and listening to what’s going on. How not to be overwhelmedEngaging with bloggers. Blogging, using social media for PR…

Frocomm Government Public Service 2.0 Social Media

I was in Melbourne yesterday, giving the keynote at Glen Frost’s Frocomm New Media Summit conference. Great crowd, lots of thoughts flying around. Government 2.0 and Public Servants 2.0 View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: government public) Basically I went through a few different types of social media networks – blog (content), wikis…

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