Second Life ban for kids

Second Life objectifies women? I thought it objectified Furries? o.O “Nearly ’13 million’ users visit it (Second Life) every day – it’s a ‘new’ ‘website’ called second life ” I don’t think so lady! video here Are there really only 50,000 predators online? Where are the rest…? At the shopping mall probably. Better drag the…


Social Media: Short form long form continuous DIY

Note: Social Media is user-generated, member created, content. Not interactive stuff from a web agency or traditional media company.I’ve been following 5min_tech on Twitter for a while now. 5min – Find the Best How To, instructional and DIY videos – people uploading 5 min videos to educate other people. It’s called a videopedia. Kinda cool…

Job: Second Life Art Director/Animator (Australia)

SilkCharm in Eyeore Pajamas and yellow Fluffy Duck slippers in Second Life (SilkCharm Sachertorte). I was running around Second Life in my Eyeore pajamas and fluffy duck slippers that light up last night -well, it was waaaaay past SilkCharm’s bedtime – when I bumped into Anya Ixchel (Angela Thomas, lecturer at University of Sydney). They…