Job: Social Media Researcher, Sydney
temporary job available for a social media researcher in Paddington Sydney – preferably public relations understanding
temporary job available for a social media researcher in Paddington Sydney – preferably public relations understanding
Journalists are starting to receive grants to learn social media technologies like SEO. Should we hold a Media and Career Expo where bloggers donate knowledge and expertise to help Journalists adjust?
… not all are free, some are $60. But free works better at grabbing attention. It’s called “online marketing”. (haha) Please don’t tell the ACCC! HEAPS MORE INFORMATION HERE SOCIAL MEDIA SEMINARS OVERVIEW: April 22nd 9:30- 1pm Innovation in Cross Platform content. We basically showed TV and film using social media in a really really…
I took an email from a guy who said he was interviewing me for a Cisco newsletter, on social media and small to medium size business. I gave him these answers and then realised: I never checked. He could just be some dude wanting free tips to give to clients. Heh. But I doubt it….
I get these emails all the time. You probably do too: invitations to join yet another social network. Like Dostagi: Dostagi, a new social network site opens its doorsDostagi, a fast growing social network, today announced to open its doors to the Turkish, Dutch and English speaking community to start building their friends network. On…
From CNN: OKYO, Jan. 7, 2008 (Thomson Financial delivered by Newstex) — Japan’s Matsushita Electric Industrial Co (NYSE:MC) , the world’s largest consumer electronics maker, has teamed up with Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) and YouTube to commercialize flat panel television sets that allow users to access and view videos online, the Nikkei reported on Tuesday, without…
Click logo, click IT, click web development – their link thing is a bit dodgy. I’m teaching a one day (Saturday) How To Blog course at the University of Sydney, Australia (general link) Centre for Continuing Education next Saturday, 24th November. It will be the first time I’ve taught this particular course, so goodness only…
It’s in Beta but from Linqia promo page (signup for updates): Searching for the online community or group that is a perfect fit for you? Let Linqia do the searching for you. Linqia is the world’s first online community and group aggregator and meta search engine. It has the largest directory of online communities and…
Yeh I know, pollies in online communities is boring, but here’s an interesting debate at broadband’s most powerful online community, Whirlpool (WP), posted half an hour ago: Does Whirlpool have a formal policy on what sort of contributions political candidates can make here? A few weeks ago, I ran upon the site of a NSW…