Lecture 1: Social Media Strategy for Government
Step by step how to establish a #socialmedia #framework for local government and a social media strategy for councils.
Step by step how to establish a #socialmedia #framework for local government and a social media strategy for councils.
This one’s doing the rounds of online communities, so you might see it in a few places:Not quite Yes We Can by Obama but interesting use of YouTube by John McCain The Daily Dish likes it. Slate calls it the Barney the purple dinosaur ad. One of the commenters at Ross Douthat said it reminded…
Putting to music Barack Obama’s wonderful speech (extend the About window to read the whole Yes We Can speech)hat tip: rosshill.com.auWhich Australian politician, or which Australian speech would you choose to make a mashup of? Anyone seen a good one? No? The above video is an example of why American’s ‘get‘ collaborative communication and our…
Satire yumminess in response to Australia’s Crime and Terrorism Act and the newest one Content Act. (my post) : A Special Message from the Department of Internets CANBERRA, Australia (doi) — Today, the Federal Government is introducing legislation to help protect your family from The Internets. Every day, over two hundred thousand Australian children are…
Yeh I know, pollies in online communities is boring, but here’s an interesting debate at broadband’s most powerful online community, Whirlpool (WP), posted half an hour ago: Does Whirlpool have a formal policy on what sort of contributions political candidates can make here? A few weeks ago, I ran upon the site of a NSW…
Provocative title. Provocative stuffz. Dammit, embed grrrrr! YOUTUBE VIDEO Of MILNE/MAYNE PUNCHUP: Got a new lease of life – I posted it up in November last year. Since News journo, Milne, started attacking (in writing) Politician Rudd for being drunk at a girlie bar, his attack on Crikey’s Mayne (physical) is getting a fresh airing…
Malcolm Turnbull, without budgie smugglers Malcolm Turnbull, Australian politician extraordinaire. Malcolm who blogs (oh ok, it’s his pets who blog, but we can’t vote for them). Malcolm, our soon to be Prime Minister, no? He-who-has-a-Facebook-page. So the question is this:Zombie or …. Vampire you make a hot Vampire! Tell the world! Decisions. Decisions. Can’t be…
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