Why you should Block people and your Community responsibility

Why you should Block people and your Community responsibility

Blocking People on Facebook: It’s not censorship -they are free to continue talking bollocks – I am exercising my freewill to say enough is enough.  I belong to some pretty atrocious Facebook groups.  Anti Muslim, anti gay, anti-anything not white, male and with a gun. Why? Cos I’m nosey. About humanity. Plus it meant I…

How to Write a Social Media Strategy in 9 Steps

How to Write a Social Media Strategy in 9 Steps

How to write a #socialmedia strategy for Gov, Organisations.
Covers: Purpose vs Values, Tribes & Customer Avatar (Targeted Comms),Spaces and Platforms, Roles and Personal Brand Gamification, Engagement Life Cycles & Call To Actions, Key Influencers, Voice & Etiquette, Campaign & Activities, Rituals & Conversation Diary
The online course (4hrs of video and practical exercises) is here https://www.udemy.com/social-media-strategy/?couponCode=YT2015

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