Odd Job? Wild Rock Guy NZ
New Zealand Winery Wild Rock Guy looking for a social media marketing Voice/Face. Think Gary Vaynerchuk…
New Zealand Winery Wild Rock Guy looking for a social media marketing Voice/Face. Think Gary Vaynerchuk…
I was asked to be a judge of the New Zealand Qantas Media Awards for 2009. Here’s the web awards winners – ta da! : Blog Winner: Moata Tamaira, Stuff Finalists: Greer McDonald, The Dominon Post Adam Brown, The Dominion Post Website Breaking News Story Winner: www.dompost.co.nz andwww.stuff.co.nz – Vote 08 Finalists: www.waikatotimes.co.nz and www.stuff.co.nz…
Just read this about Australian TV and newspapers in the New Zealand Herald On Sunday… “This week the Seven Network confirmed it had cut the value of its 47 per cent holding in the Seven Media Group from A$793.9 million to zero, following Packer’s similar valuation of PBL Media when he dumped his residual holding…
I think part of the disintermediation of communication means that it becomes much easier to catch the eye and ear of an individual. Whether they be the CEO of an Australian company, Malcolm Turnbull on Twitter or a celebrity like Stephen Fry, on services like Twitter you can find a way to engage with them….
Facebook is used (mostly) by members as a gated community. They want to keep information within the network, not have it published in the newspaper. News.com.au sucks sometimes: Stinging status leads to Facebook fracas WE are nominating this the Facebook fracas of the week. Names have been changed and bad words bleeped to protect the…
Best social media campaigns, well, my favourite case studies anyway. Michael Watkins over at Mudo Media isn’t impressed. He thinks –via Digital Ministry – that social media strategists are all talk and no media. Is he right? Probably. But irrespective of whether anyone is actually hiring consultants, employing traditional agencies or just dumping it on…
Please place your foto on Flickr, use tag nocleanfeed so I can find it HERE. Lots of brouhaha at the moment over the internet filters. As opposition grows against the Government’s controversial plan to censor the internet, the head of one of Australia’s largest ISPs has labelled the Communications Minister the worst we’ve had in…
The fish are: Media Salesmanius, Marketus Directus, Startup Emergius, Peeyarus Agencis, Pitchus Winnus and others on the PDF. BandT have an awards night coming up Which species are you? B&T is looking for the best of breed – entries are now open for the B&T Awards. Go to www.bandt.com.au/awards to download an entry form. The…
Social Network Telecommunications view presentation (tags: open-mesh fon telecommunications to) Whew, I just got home from presenting on Social Network Telecommunications – the Consumer as ISP at Broadband Australia 2008 conference. Anyway, I thought I’d take you through the slides (above), which develop further my other open mesh blog posts. The First Bit (up to…