Mobile Monday Sydney – tonight

MoMoSyd is on tonight and I’m going: Introducing XumiiFounded in San Francisco by Australian entrepreneur Jennifer Zanich, Xumii was an award-winning mobile internet application before it’s beta version was even launched. One of this year’s VentureBeat DigitalMedia “Mobile Beat” Top 30 picks (along with another early MoMo Sydney guest Mig33), Xumii “gives you a centralized…


AIMIA – Please Get Social (Media)

Another Social Networking evening *pats AIMIA on the head* poor loves. 🙂 AIMIA connects interactive agencies with interactive agencies – a nice niche network. They pull their speakers and their content and their relationships from this small pool to offer to their events and networking evenings with drinkies. One ends up up hearing what one…

Google’s Virtual World: Lively

My little Virtual World in Google’s Lively. Called Social Butterflies – come join us in ‘lively’ discussions. Looking Avatar-Fashionable, of course! Very alpha – not beta. Some things that are dangerous – ability to animate another’s avatar for example? Rape scripts anyone? But being able to embed a world in your blog, Facebook page or…

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