Jobs: Social Media Recruitment RecruitTech 2009
The future of social media recruitment – my presentation at RecruitTech2009
The future of social media recruitment – my presentation at RecruitTech2009
Melbournites, listen up! Michael Specht is running a conference on H.R and Recruitment and social media. Time Session Speaker 8:30 AM Arrival & Registration with Tea and Coffee 9:00 AM Welcome and Introduction Michael Specht 9:10 AM Keynote – Thoughts from TED 2009 Stephen Collins 10:10 AM Implementation of Enterprise 2.0 and its Value in…
That title Corporate Social Media looks funny doesn’t it? I mean, some people still think of ‘social‘ as ‘party‘. Like, Corey from Melbourne on MySpace. They don’t realise that ‘social‘ means ‘society‘ – friends and family, yes, but also sports heroes and politicians and other leaders, and those we deem tabloid worthy – the Angelina…
Names are falling off my blogroll. One minute Jim Benson was there, on my sidebar, the next minute, crying into my email. So I am moving the blogroll, such as it is, on here and then linking to the sidebar: Real Life Blogroll I’m a hunter and gatherer of blogs so it would be a…