Nasty SMS Spam – turn off Facebook Mobile Messages #australia #socialmedia

Nasty SMS Spam – turn off Facebook Mobile Messages #australia #socialmedia

How to stop those annoying spammy messages on your mobile cellphone from Facebook Messenger Text service. Took me a while to figure out what was going on. SMS messages but no telephone number? Just asking me to click on a dodgy link? Every. Single. Day. Anyway two steps. I went to and turned off Text…

Social Networks and Australian Reconciliation challenges

Let’s pretend this isn’t groups on Facebook but you’ve just spotted them on member created forums on your own little community. Do your community “spider senses” tingle when you start to see groups with Gary Coleman and Nazi Swastikas all over it? And then -oh dear – you see the group is called… we dont…

Facebook instant messaging : one-to-one

One-to-one, instant communication in Facebook. Hmmm…. I thought I had spoken about synchronous and asynchronous communications before? OH well, here goes. Some people like to receive messages and then, y’know, sit and think… so they prefer email to instant messages. And voicemail to phones. To Twitter or not to Twitter, that is the question. Communication…