Social Network Marketing Campaigns: Features Attributes
What are the attributes of social media marketing campaigns, run within a community?
What are the attributes of social media marketing campaigns, run within a community?
Was on a panel today, at Cebit 2009 at Darling Harbor, Sydney. You might like part two where I showed a list of Enterprise 2.0 tools and “built a company” from them. In 15 minutes. for social enterprise layout for peer to peer loan for startup for checking out your Venture Capitalists (I’m a paid…
I think that one of the issues that David Galbally, QC and other lawyers of his ilk is that because they don’t understand social media, they don’t understand where it’s going. So calls to turn Facebook off in Victoria or to insist Facebook removes photots and videos and material relating to alleged suspects is niave…
Social Media Campaigns: please see your doctor if symptoms persist. Do you know someone a little social media…challenged? They might like to explore social media campaigns in some depth? My courses fill up pretty quick at the University of Sydney, but this semester we are running the course twice. To cater for extra interest. These…
*pats on head* so cute, with their little anxious yet eager faces. Will anyone talk to them? Will they make new friends? Will they make an ass of themselves? Anyway some tips – you might want to do these step by step. I wrote them that way: What is Twitter: Twitter is a place for…
That title Corporate Social Media looks funny doesn’t it? I mean, some people still think of ‘social‘ as ‘party‘. Like, Corey from Melbourne on MySpace. They don’t realise that ‘social‘ means ‘society‘ – friends and family, yes, but also sports heroes and politicians and other leaders, and those we deem tabloid worthy – the Angelina…
I’d like to show you how I see Profile, Identity, Reputation and Trust online. In other words, Brand Reputation Management – even if your brand is a Brand of One (you) you might find it interesting:It’s on Flickr – thanks to GaryPHayes who was able to interpret my scrawls into diagram The quick and dirty…
EITHER IN COMMENTS or email them to me – lpapworth (at) if you are shy 🙂 I have to get some testimonials together. Like, how I saved the world and stopped ladders in pantyhose without blinking. Or something. So if you are up for it, and have worked with me, sat in a workshop,…
I’ve come in for a hammering from lately. Fun Fun Fun. First we have Sandra Lee quoting me in the Sunday Telegraph: Self-obsessed bloggers caught up in the Net NOW here’s a surprise. People who update their Facebook or MySpace profiles every five minutes are egocentric narcissists who happen to double as attention-seeking extroverts….