12 Bugs of Christmas

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas. The 12 Bugs of Christmas For the twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me: Tell them it’s a feature! Say it’s not supported! Change the documentation! Blame it on the hardware! Find a way around it! Say they need an upgrade! Reinstall the software! Ask for a…

Humor: Swine Flu Discussions on Twitter

Politically incorrect but funny!  From XKcD.com Traditional media will make fun of this intense discussion but remember, it’s human nature to talk about something that is newsworthy – so mainstream media should be offering tools to do that better, not dissing it, right? I started a SocialMediaFlu hashtag (#socialmediaflu) on Twitter – there were zero…


God on Facebook

Merry Christmas my poppets. Hopefully in the new year, a new blog, but we’ll see 🙂 Ho Ho Ho. Notice that it’s not a real Facebook page – it’s reverse chronology to what it should be. I’m pretty sure it’s from CollegeHumor. Probably APC Magazines nicked it, unattributed, a few weeks later. Um aaaah. I’m…

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