PDA: Sun Newspaper Ad
Quick, light post on the funny new The Sun ad – comparing the Sun newspaper (printed) to an iPhone or other PDA.
Quick, light post on the funny new The Sun ad – comparing the Sun newspaper (printed) to an iPhone or other PDA.
I first started looking down the lists of lists, the Twitter lists list, to see if there were any that I had to remove myself from. One removes oneself from Twitter lists by blocking the person who created the list. Stands to reason. I thought I’d remove myself from any list like “bitch” or “annoying”,…
Politically incorrect but funny! From XKcD.com Traditional media will make fun of this intense discussion but remember, it’s human nature to talk about something that is newsworthy – so mainstream media should be offering tools to do that better, not dissing it, right? I started a SocialMediaFlu hashtag (#socialmediaflu) on Twitter – there were zero…
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