social media news march 15 2021

Social Media News #Australia March 15th 2021 – Facebook drops Page Likes for political figures

Monday Morning Tea (News) with Laurel Papworth – Rollout in AUSTRALIA of removing likes from Facebook Pages of PUBLIC FIGURES – politicians mostly. Since January (?) this has been quietly rolled out including removing those Pages from Pages you Watch, removing the ability to “like as a Business Page” removing Top Posts from Watchlist and…

Top Facebook Business Pages for Australian Banks (Ranking and Why)

Top Facebook Business Pages for Australian Banks (Ranking and Why)

Hello and welcome to the top 5 Facebook Business Pages for Australian Banks (includes one Community Bank). We investigate how they are working (and not working) and why they got the SilkCharm Score they got. I have investigated how the banks are using social media to turnaround negative sentiment around banks and engage with communities of interest (young families, small business, investors etc).

Top Facebook Business Pages for Travel and Tourism in Australia

Top Facebook Business Pages for Travel and Tourism in Australia

Hello and welcome to the top 5 Facebook Pages for Travel & Tourism (Australian edition). Includes Airlines, Destination Tourism, Cruise lines etc. If you just want the top 5 pages keep on reading and yes you’re welcome. If you want to know why and how they are the top 5 stick around and read my…

3day social media training sydney

Advanced Social Media Training in Sydney August 2019

My 3 Day advanced social media intensive course is back! At the end of August, grab your laptop and head into Sydney CBD for a deep dive into the more advanced elements of social media marketing and strategy. [Not for the complete beginner, suitable for Agencies and Government and Corporate] You can find out more,…