OpenAI Chat GPT Detector and Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes – Metaverse and Ethics of AI
OpenAI detector will detect if an article or essay or report is written by an AI. But who trains the AI? Who guards the guardians?
OpenAI detector will detect if an article or essay or report is written by an AI. But who trains the AI? Who guards the guardians?
… but what was it for? I never did work it out. Here’s the screenshot of the now dead, read-only site (temporarily until it’s gone for ever, no doubt). I got the email before Christmas, but am only just now getting around to looking at it. Though I did check to make sure they didn’t…
I have spoken – publicly at conferences, and here on the blog – over the last couple of years at least, about the need for an unIndustry organisation to protect our content from interactive, new and digital media agencies, amongst others. Here’s another example of why (definatalie): Get FUNK’D! Say no to design contests. FUNK’D…
I’m tired of being told that we bloggers, (which is, y’know, the general population) are: in an echo chamber and have no original thoughts, that we only copy and paste traditional media articles and add no value, that we find other bloggers we agree with and never hear the opposing point of view (*falls off…
I listened to this video of Andrew Maynard (I rarely watch videos) and although he was talking about architecture and sustainability, not pixels and bytes, he really had in his voice, The Voice of The Generation. Have a listen and you’ll hear what I mean – it’s beyond Architecture but a way of living for…
Social Networks predate Web 2.0. In fact they predate the web completely: Compuserve started up in the late ’60s and had a consumer division in the ’70s. We paid like, 100 bucks an minute for it, but it was there. So while I get sucked into Web 2.0 and Social Media presentations at the moment,…
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