
Twitter: Reputation Management in Social Networks

I’d like to show you how I see Profile, Identity, Reputation and Trust online. In other words, Brand Reputation Management – even if your brand is a Brand of One (you) you might find it interesting:It’s on Flickr – thanks to GaryPHayes who was able to interpret my scrawls into diagram The quick and dirty…


Australia: Social Media Freelance Journalism

| View | Upload your own My presentation slides to Freelance Journalists Group (80 or so) last night – you can flick through the slides by clicking. As I mentioned earlier, I was invited to talk to The Sydney Freelance Journalists Group (MEAA)Basically the slides focus on blogs as content, facebook/digg as distribution, twitter as…

Not Australia: social networks on mobile

Americans have all-you-can-eat bandwidth to their mobile phones for around 30 bucks a month right? (Mobile Business Magazine) As Facebook, Bebo and eBay top the popularity charts on Vodafone Mobile Internet, Vodafone UK has today changed the way it structures its price plans to include access to the internet and email on their mobile as…


Australia ROI: Investment and Revenue in Social Networks

I wrote a few paragraphs recently for The Venture Group newsletter – the pdfs from that issue are gone, but what I wrote seems to be popular. Note the top right: in the next years the market for web 2.0 companies will get standardized. It seems to me that investment companies really do want to…

Social NETWORKS are much more than Social MEDIA

You know eyeballs marketing or Olde Worlde economy – business to business (B2B) and business to consumer(B2C)? Attention Economy online – where is our attention? Well Doc Searls talks about The Intention Economy (consumer to business or C2B) . Where the consumer says what he wants and the business vies for attention/intention. That was back…

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