
Australia Social Finance: List of Peer to Peer loans and p2p banks

After the radio interview with Tony Delroy a few days ago, I’ve had an inordinate number of requests for information on social lending and microfinancing sites. Particularly Australian p2p banks. Remember a bank holds money that the community members have each – for example, salaries, or savings. Then the bank manager takes the community money…


Enterprise: List of 40 Social Media Staff Guidelines

Managing staff who participate in social networks. This list also includes policies called; Staff blogging policies, enterprise social network guidelines, Employee Blogging Policies, Staff engagement in online communities, and so on. I’ve done a few press (radio, print) interviews this week re: Telstra so I thought I should have another look at how Enterprise, Government,…


Online Community is Customer Service

Customer Service – not Marketing, not P.R., not anyone else – should be handling the online community relationship with your customers. Or, if you have a technical product/service, it’s technical support, or helpdesk. Surely that’s obvious? Yes? No?I laid out different community manager roles in this post, and have talked about customer service running social…