Mobile Monday Sydney – tonight

MoMoSyd is on tonight and I’m going: Introducing XumiiFounded in San Francisco by Australian entrepreneur Jennifer Zanich, Xumii was an award-winning mobile internet application before it’s beta version was even launched. One of this year’s VentureBeat DigitalMedia “Mobile Beat” Top 30 picks (along with another early MoMo Sydney guest Mig33), Xumii “gives you a centralized…

Virtual Worlds on Mobiles

First…Second Life on the mobile phone. Second,… virtual world on Android (Googles mobile phone opensource platform). Lots more information here (guys, it takes more than increasing # of avatars on a SIM to 400 to kill off Second Life). Oh and skip the video to 1:29 to get to the groovier stuff. …the way we…

Not Australia: social networks on mobile

Americans have all-you-can-eat bandwidth to their mobile phones for around 30 bucks a month right? (Mobile Business Magazine) As Facebook, Bebo and eBay top the popularity charts on Vodafone Mobile Internet, Vodafone UK has today changed the way it structures its price plans to include access to the internet and email on their mobile as…