Social Media and The Cone of Silence – Victoria Department of Justice

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, VICTORIA: What does it mean when the people you elected to represent you, turn off comments in social channels? Go away, shut up, just do as I say, don’t ask, none of your business? But it is OUR business. If the person I am employing (through taxes) to do work for my…


Social Media for Training Departments in Companies

I was invited to speak on social media in the Enterprise by Cadre eLearning to a group of corporate training people. Here are the slides for them. Training departments and social media View more presentations from Laurel Papworth. The diagrams I used are on Flickr. The key points I covered: we can use social media…

Qantas Airways on Twitter and the Black Face criticism

Do online communities overreact? Qantas Airways published a photo of two fans with blacked out faces and wigs on, causing a controversy on Twitter, in spite of Radike Samo not minding at all.  My view is that there are deeper issues here -Qantas brand voice on social media is not their traditional marketing voice. What…

Traditional Media brainwashing Australians about Social Media

NSW Police have been made aware of a Facebook page that has allegedly made disturbing death threats against baby-faced singer Jack Vidgen. Telephones don’t stalk children, Social Media doesn’t intimidate them either. People do. Investigate People. Don’t blame the online community tools. Thank the tools – they shine a spotlight on all that is horrid…


June 2011: Social Media Course computer based

Yay! Another set of social media classes for Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane at the end of June. Hands-on Computer based social media classes are being run again June 2011 in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. These are small classes, in front of the computer for those who want to set up their own social media sites…

When a Con Artist Comes Calling: Online Community

Recently, in an online community I am involved in, the members decided to get together in real life (IRL). Nothing unusual in that, around 20.1% of social network members that meet online will meet offline each year. Think tweetups (twitter meetups) and you’ve got the idea. So the group booked a venue interstate, a dinner,…