5 steps to a social media marketing campaign
How to build a social media marketing campaign in 5 steps – one day handson course, this is the prelim 30 min powerpoint presentation and diagram.
How to build a social media marketing campaign in 5 steps – one day handson course, this is the prelim 30 min powerpoint presentation and diagram.
social media marketing campaign course in sydney in july.
Gary Hayes put this video together for the attendees of the public “How to make Machinima course” he ran at AFTRS the other day. My character from World of Warcraft got roped in to voice the silly jokes. She’s now on the hunt for an avatar management agency. Heh. Some of the machinima we watch at home…
… not all are free, some are $60. But free works better at grabbing attention. It’s called “online marketing”. (haha) Please don’t tell the ACCC! HEAPS MORE INFORMATION HERE SOCIAL MEDIA SEMINARS OVERVIEW: April 22nd 9:30- 1pm Innovation in Cross Platform content. We basically showed TV and film using social media in a really really…
Quick Post: Congratulations to Ellenor Cox and team for winning the interactive Emmy for their TV show with Social Media Scorched.TV: The guys that made Scorched.tv did a week workshop (the LAMP Residential) and a two-day workshop (LAMP Insights) at AFTRS with me on how to social media campaign their TV show. And while scorched.tv…
Have a wonderful Friday. I’m off to teach a social media, cross platform course (public) run by Australian Film and Television School. In Hobart. On Saturday. Please come along, we’ve got some seats left. Or spots. Or places… y’know what I mean. Sorry I forgot to tell you before 🙁 Creating Online Buzz and Growing…
AFTRS LAMP: I’m taking a week off (end of Feb) and mentoring a workshop (with the likes of Gary Hayes who developed Big Pond and ABC islands in Second Life and Jennifer Wilson, ex head of innovation for NineMSN) for The Australian Film, Television and Radio school LAMP project. LAMP workshops seems to be a…
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