Strange Statistics
I picked this up from The Florida Baptist Witness (don’t ask) JACKSONVILLE (FBW) —Almost 20 million people have looked for religious or spiritual information online, with more than two million users seeking material on any given day, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. They are looking for answers, looking for a program…
I picked this up from The Florida Baptist Witness (don’t ask)
JACKSONVILLE (FBW) —Almost 20 million people have looked for religious or spiritual information online, with more than two million users seeking material on any given day, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. They are looking for answers, looking for a program that fits their needs and looking for a place to belong. This makes the search for religious material a more popular feature on the Internet than the performance of online banking (18 percent), participation in online auctions (15 percent), and the use of online dating services (9 percent), says the Pew report.
Faith online is a very interesting phenomena.
“The hits we get on our Web site is the way people are seeking out and finding churches both among the churched…”
The churched? Oh those that been got as opposed to those that aint been got? Love Americans 🙂
The Barna Research Group estimates that by the year 2010, 10-20 percent of Americans will rely on the Internet exclusively for their religious experience. Virtually every dimension of the faith community will be influenced by online faith developments, Barna said.
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