Something wierd – JaffeJuice
Ok, I admit, I’ve had a gin and tonic (ok, THREE) and it’s after midnight. But this is tres exciting. Last week I was chatting with Kristen from Reeltime and she mentioned how much she liked JaffeJuice. I, of the infamously bad memory, was still able to recall that I had blogged about said JaffeJuice…
Ok, I admit, I’ve had a gin and tonic (ok, THREE) and it’s after midnight. But this is tres exciting. Last week I was chatting with Kristen from Reeltime and she mentioned how much she liked JaffeJuice. I, of the infamously bad memory, was still able to recall that I had blogged about said JaffeJuice and that the mysteriously Mr Jaffe had blogged back. Here is the story here – and his response (from 2005!)
So there I am, propping up the bar at the Bayswater Brasserie, when who walks in but Joseph Jaffe. I mean, knock me down with a cocktail umbrella! I think I freaked him out a bit by bouncing up and saying “Hey! are you that Jaffe d00d with the jaffejuice blog? cool!”. But he recovered nicely and invited me and The Vash to Blu bar at Woolloomooloo.
I think we did some drunken podcasting (a bit like tequila texting but one-2-many instead of one-2-one). And maybe some schmoozing with the Sydney Bloggerati – Lukas Picton, Emily Reed, Michael Henderson for starters. Someone bring me coffee in the morning? Please?
Hi Laurel,
It was great to meet you last night 🙂 The walk back up the stairs in Woolloomooloo was particularly hard after that many glasses of champas!
Catch you at the next Sydney blogging meet up!